Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Importance of studying Philippine literature in English.

In 1898 the sovereignty of the Philippines passed from Spain to the United States with capitulation of the city of Manila. A military government was set up by the Americans. Even during the war, schools were reopened in Manila. General Arthur MacArthur restored life to normal in Manila as soon as possible. At first English was taught merely a subject; the system of education set up by the Spaniards was allowed to continue.

However, in 1900, English became the medium of instruction as more and more schools were opened all over the Philippines. For lack of teachers, army men and their  wives became the first teachers. In 1901, however, the army transport Thomas brought in 600 American civilian men and women to teach in and supervise the new school system of the country. English literature and American literature were taught as regular subjects, and the writers then popular in England and America.

 Philippine literature implies important people, places and things that marked big to the Philippine history. Through the years, Philippine literature was developed and more valued by many because it inspires people. Studying literature involves reading, discussing, thinking and writing helping students to improve in those areas. It explores different human beliefs, ideas and societies. This allows people to learn about where they came from and how past events work to shape the different cultures. It awakens our mind on how Filipino before, try to dwell with different languages and try to learn it in order to express their thoughts and feeling. It is an additional tool that helps us develop ourselves as a student, as a person and as a citizen in our country. Thus, literature provides us a common knowledge that allows us to talk, share information and experiences as a productive student.

When we study literature we can get some aspects from it, just like a simple enjoyment and appreciation and the analysis and description of it. Just like when we listen to a song that appeals to the ear or read a book that appeals to the heart for a movement at least we discover a new world, a new place which is so different that it seems to be a place of dreams and fancies. To reach and enjoy this new place, we must learn to love literature. To analyze and explain them maybe less joyous but never the less, an important skill to develop.

Studying Philippine literature is so important because it portrays as a living language. Philippine literature introduces real life situations within the experiential background of the youth to the featured literary pieces. This is bringing us into such issues as environmental awareness, peace education and others. This is also telling us to the real human being, a human being having dual nature which is not only doers of actions but also dreamers of dreams.